ONCE again, we are learning that when the books don’t add up, pain inevitably follows.

The Government is struggling with astronomical debt, and councils are on the front line in deciding how to cut spending.

The extra park and ride charges will not be the most destructive cuts to hit Oxford.

But when it comes to household bills, every little hurts.

With petrol prices still sky high, commuters could well do without an extra £1.50 a day, and the extra levy is another blow for city centre traders struggling to compete with “free parking” shopping towns.

Oxfordshire County Council thinks it has little choice to end the subsidy which has kept three of the car parks free, and Oxford City Council feel the same way about re-introducing fees.

But there are questions that need answers.

No matter which branch of local government owns which site, it is not very helpful to have some car parks free and others charging £1.50.

And why can’t the councils get the bus companies to raise their fees a little to cover the cost of the car park, rather than hitting people’s wallet twice between slamming the car door and the bus doors opening?