A MAN was sent to prison yesterday for dragging his ex-girlfriend through a broken window in the middle of the night.

Martyn Allen, 24, was sentenced to 28 weeks in prison for assault causing actual bodily harm and criminal damage.

In passing his sentence at Oxford Crown Court, Recorder Andrew Burrows said Allen, who lived in Oxford at the time of the assault, had shown “no remorse”.

The court heard how Allen, now of Pell Street, Reading, had gone to a New Year’s Eve party in Oxford with his former girlfriend Jacqueline Skelton.

She had left the party and he had gone to find her, while heavily under the influence of drink and drugs, the court heard.

Recorder Burrows said: “You found her at a friend’s house and went there. She was sleeping on the sofa. You smashed the living room window with a brick and started to pull her by the neck and hair, off the sofa and dragged her out of the window.”

Allen was stopped by people in the building and Miss Skelton suffered a cut to her cheek and bruising.

The 24-year-old had 11 previous convictions, including one for battery in May 2010.

The most recent incident took place only two weeks after he was given a suspended sentence for battery. Allen also caused damage to a block of sheltered accommodation flats.

He was found guilty of both offences on July 28.

Recorder Burrows said: “These offences are so serious that only a custodial sentence is appropriate.”

Allen was sentenced to 24 weeks for the assault and four weeks consecutively for criminal damage.