Young artists are hoping their careers will be launched by a project set up by an East Oxford photographer before he died.

Talented Rishi Mullett-Sadones of Florence Park, Cowley, died earlier this year.

But before he passed away, the 20-year-old, who was studying at the London College of Communication, founded an art group called Creative Collective.

His vision was for the group to act as a platform for other young artists to get their work shown in galleries across Oxford and in London.

His last two exhibitions proved so successful that the Jam Factory, in Park End Street, Oxford, asked if he could stage a third.

And a fourth in his memory, held on Wednesday, also proved a roaring success.

Aspiring artist Francine Haslam, 19, of Kennington, was showing work from her foundation art course at Abingdon and Witney College.

She said: “I think it’s an absolutely fantastic project.

“To be honest not many of us know how to get started, so it’s great that this sort of thing is going on.”

Rishi’s mother Jacky Sadones organised the launch of the exhibition, which will run for a month, with his close friend Joseph Carter of Kidlington.