A Barton teenager given just hours to live nine months ago has battled through a sponsored walk to thank those who saved his life Tom Lawrence, 14, was struck down by a virus that caused his heart to swell in August last year.

By Christmas, he was so desperately ill doctors told his parents he would probably be dead within 72 hours.

Despite the best efforts of experts at Oxford’s John Radcliffe Hospital, the teenager was referred to Great Ormond Street Hospital, in London, and in January was given a new heart.

Now football-mad Tom from Bernwood Road, has battled through a 16-mile walk to pay back the hospital which saved his life.

Tom and his mum, Joanne, organised a fundraising walk from Lewknor to Headington Girls School to raise money for Great Ormond Street Hospital, where Tom had the operation.

Mrs Lawrence said there had been an excellent turn out of about 30 of Tom’s family and friends who helped and supported the teenager along the way.

She said: “We have raised £3,407.

“Tom did really well, and managed to walk about ten miles and completed the course with some help.

“He was feeling very unwell. He’s feeling better now and is getting there slowly. It was really great to see him actually doing the walk. He was so keen to help.”

Tom said: “I would like to thank everyone so much from the bottom of my heart for all the help and for taking part in the walk.

“It means so much to me.

“It’s good to know people care and want to help me say thanks.”

The Cheney School pupil contracted a condition called dilated cardiomyopathy in August last year.

The condition causes the heart muscle walls to become thin and floppy and in Tom’s case, his heart was becoming too big for his body as it struggled to pump blood around his system.

Mrs Lawrence said she wanted to thank Jane White, Jane Goody and Michael Clarkson from Headington Girls School, Andy Law-rence for donating certificates, and Witney Trophy Shop for medals for everyone who took part in the walk.

She also thanked Stagecoach and Family and Children Enterprise (FACE) of Eynsham for providing transport for walkers and Oxford Citizens Housing Association (OCHA) for its generous donation.

Mrs Lawrence added: “A big thanks also to my mum and dad for the last 12 months and for helping Jane White organise the walk.”