AN OXFORD community come together on Monday to raise funds to rebuild its destroyed community building.

And the latest vision for the new centre at Dean Court is on show. The derelict Dean Court Community Centre, previously the social club, was destroyed by fire in February.

That building in Pinnocks Way had been just days away from receiving a grant to become a central hub for the community, but its future was left in tatters by the blaze.

Residents now say their campaign to get a new centre up and running is back on track, and a fun day this week will raise more crucial funds.

Dean Court Community Centre Association vice chairman Priscilla Waugh said: “The fire was fairly disastrous for us.

“We were just days away from being told we had received a £20,000 grant towards the building.

“So we have been trying to get everything together and it’s been difficult. We have been trying to co-ordinate the council, insurance and everyone. It’s been a nightmare.”

The building was a social club for long periods of time from the 1950s until it finally closed in May 2010.

Also on show at the fun day will be the first artistic impressions for the new building. The centre will host groups for children, mums and toddlers and elderly residents, film screenings and live music concerts.

Ms Waugh said: “Hopefully we are nearly there now. The drawings from the architect are exciting.”

The centre’ previous grant came from community-and charity-umbrella group Oxfordshire Stronger Communities Alliance (Osca) with £1,000 from Cumnor Parish Council.

The Monday fun day includes a barbecue, bouncy castle, tug of war, sack races, egg-and-spoon and croquet.

Ms Waugh said: “It’ll be all old-fashioned games and things for families to enjoy.

“Without the community, this whole thing would be pointless. Dean Court is so diverse.

“You have four completely different places in the community and to bring them together would be fantastic.”

The day will run from 12pm until 3pm at Fogwell Sports Ground on Eynsham Road.