AN OXFORD centre that has helped 25,000 victims of sexual abuse says more men than ever are using its services.

The Oxford Sexual Abuse and Rape Crisis Centre marks its 30th anniversary this year and estimates it has taken tens of thousands of calls over the decades.

After introducing an email helpline two years ago staff say more men have come forward, many of them supporting women who had been attacked.

Co-ordinator Hannah Clare said: “Last year, it averaged out that we were helping a new person every week by email.

“It allowed us to give more help over that period of time and it attracts a lot of men, who are supporting women who are victims of sexual abuse.

“We have always been open to anyone who has been affected by sexual abuse, but I know men often feel they are being intrusive if they call us.

“So we’ve been able to open up our services to a new group of people who may have been too anxious to call.”

The helpline is regularly manned by between 30 and 35 women and boosted with a twice yearly recruitment drive.

A recent drive for help brought forward more volunteers than expected, which Ms Clare said was good with the ever-rising number of calls.

She said: “We would have liked to say that after 30 years, there isn’t a person in Oxfordshire who didn’t know about us. I just don’t feel we are there yet.”

To mark the charity’s 30th anniversary, volunteers, members past and present and others are creating a commemorative quilt.

Each person is creating a patch for the quilt and they will all be joined together and displayed later this year.

Ms Clare said: “We rely completely on our volunteers. What really hit all rape charities in the country were cuts in funding. There have been closures in the last few years so we consider ourselves very lucky.”

The helpline is open on Mondays and Tuesdays 6.30pm-9pm, Fridays 11.30am-2pm and Sundays 6pm-8.30pm. Call on 01865 726 295, freephone 0800 783 6294 or at