A MAN was kicked and beaten by a gang of youths in his own front garden in what police have described as a “cowardly attack”.

Between 12.30am and 1am on Tuesday morning, the 40-year-old man was woken by youths who were in the garden of his property in Witney Road, Eynsham.

He went outside to confront the six youths and they ran off.

Some time later, the man answered a knock at his front door and saw the same group had returned.

As he tried to escort them from his garden he was struck in the face with a wooden object, possibly a baseball bat, and fell to the ground.

The youths continued to kick and stamp on him as he lay on the ground, before getting into a vehicle.

The victim was treated at the John Radcliffe hospital for a broken bone in his face, three chipped teeth, swelling to his eye and cuts and bruises.

Ch Insp Colin Paine said: “This was a cowardly attack. I doubt the offenders would have had the courage to do this if they had been alone.

“In contrast, the victim was brave to have challenged them while he was in his garden at night.”

He added: “We have an excellent track record in solving assaults and I hope we will be paying the offenders a visit early one morning very soon.”

Anyone with information on the incident should contact Det Con O’Grady on 0845 8 505 505 or ring Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.