TRADERS in Bicester were celebrating last night as the path was finally cleared for a £70m transformation of the town centre.

Plans for the redevelopment were first put forward seven years ago and proposals for a cinema, supermarket and shops were passed in 2009.

But they hit a stumbling block when some landowners refused to sell their land.

Yesterday Cherwell District Council got the go-ahead to use compulsory purchase powers to take over land needed for the development.

Work is now expected to begin early next year.

District council lead member for economic development Norman Bolster said: “Bringing the redevelopment together has been an extremely complicated process and I know people have been frustrated that it has taken so long to reach this stage.”

The development, a joint project between Cherwell and Sainsbury’s, will include restaurants and other shops, a new bus station and a 566-space car park around Bure Place and Crown Walk.

Sainsbury’s spokesman Andrew Sanderson said: “The redevelopment will transform Bicester and encourage more people to visit the town centre.”

Ben Jackson, spokesman for business network Bicester Vision, said: “That the development is now able to move forward is excellent news.

“The decision to commence in the new year means traders can maximise the 2011 Christmas period and only have one such period impacted.”

Others were more sceptical.

Hayley Collier, from Bicester Beds, which has an entrance in Crown Walk, said: “We’ll believe it when the first digger turns up. These plans have been around since I was about knee high, so we’ll believe it when it happens.”