SUNDAY and evening on-street parking charges will be reintroduced in and around Oxford city centre on Tuesday.

Charges for parking after 6.30pm from Monday to Saturday and all day on Sunday were scrapped six years ago, although length-of-stay limits remained.

But Oxfordshire County Council says it is having to bring back charges to help ease its budget problems, as it grapples with making savings of £119m between 2011 and 2015.

The council’s cabinet member for transport, Rodney Rose, said: “Regrettably the current financial climate has left us little choice but to reintroduce these charges to help protect essential services. They will obviously be unpopular with many people — and no doubt popular with some others.

“Either way it’s worth remembering such charges had been in operation for many years in Oxford. We took them away in far brighter financial times in 2005, but as we all know, the climate has altered dramatically.”

Charges will be as follows: Sunday daytime charging from 10am at the same as Monday-Saturday charges in Blackhall Road, Beaumont Street, Broad Street, Cromwell Street, King Edward Street, Longwall Street, Merton Street, Museum Road, Parks Road, St Giles, Wellington Square, Woodstock Road

Sunday daytime charging at a flat rate in Mansfield Road, Keble Road, Savile Road (all £2.50); Great Clarendon Street, Walton Street, Norham Gardens (all £2)

Seven-day evening charging at a flat rate in Blackhall Road, Beaumont Street, Broad Street, Cromwell Street, King Edward Street, Keble Road, Longwall Street, Mansfield Road, Merton Street, Museum Road, Parks Road, St Giles, Savile Road, Wellington Square, Woodstock Road (all £2.50); Great Clarendon Street, Walton Street, Norham Gardens (all £2)

Motorists will have the option to buy a ticket at the evening-charge rate from 6pm. There are no plans to reintroduce pay-and-display machines in High Street, meaning evening parking there remains free.