STUDENTS at Magdalen School broke another school record, when 99.5 per cent of all the exams sat were given A* or A grades.

More than half the school year achieved nine A*s or better.

Master Tim Hands said: “These are outstanding results and reflect a year of hard work and tremendous achievements both in and out of the classroom.”

At Headington School, 16-year-old Luise Luetcke topped the class with 14 A*s.

At Abingdon School , seven pupils got all A* grades including Sam Baxter, 16, from Crowmarsh, who got 12 A*s.

Duncan McLeish, 16, from Blewbury, got four A*s, six As, and a B, despite missing eight weeks of school after having a benign tumour removed from his hip.

More than half of the 86 students sitting the exams at Oxford High School achieved 10 or more A* or A grades, And all of the Year 11 girls at Abingdon’s two girls’ independent schools, SS Helen and Katharine and Our Lady’s Abingdon, achieved at least five A* to C grades in their GCSEs, including English and maths.