AN OXFORD scientist is trying to get the city lending and borrowing possessions over the Internet.

The website Ecomodo acts as a free marketplace for people to search for items to borrow or lend.

Now Dr Kate Coldwell, who lives off Cowley Road, has started up an Oxford ‘circle’ within the website and is hoping to enlist as many like-minded people as possible to get involved.

Dr Coldwell said: “It’s really useful for things you don’t want to own.

“If for example you have a small patch of grass and you don’t want to buy a strimmer or lawnmower, you can just borrow one either for free or for a minimal charge.

“We are in the process of moving and we need ladders and wallpaper removers, so I advertised for those and someone’s just contacted me and said I can come down and borrow them.”

There are over 1,000 items listed on the website which can be borrowed, ranging from baby baths to tents. She is hoping it will mean fewer unwanted items are sent to the tip.

Dr Coldwell has listed her sewing machine, for a charge, and a good quality bicycle pump, which she is lending out for free.

She said: “I’m trying to promote it a little bit to get people to join up.

“You need to get a critical mass of people lending and borrowing.”

Oxford already has an active Freecycle group – where users offer up items for free – and regular swapshops are around the city.

But Dr Coldwel hope there was a big market for the lending scheme.

She said: “Lots of people do DIY but don’t want to own all the things they need. It seems a waste everyone having all those bits of equipment in the shed that don’t get used.”

Dr Coldwell is expecting visitors soon and said she hoped to take advantage of the service to borrow things such as baby items.

She added: “It’s the kind of thing that probably goes on in the community already, but it’s formalising it and opening up avenues so people can make contact more easily.”

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