IN the light of more than 1,000 jobs being lost at the Bombadier railway carriage works in Derby, surely there is now a call for a ‘buy British’ campaign, similar to the ‘I’m Backing Britain’ campaign in the late 1960s.

Each time the Government or an employer allocates a job to a British person, then there is one fewer on the dole.

But the contract has been awarded to the Germans by our unpatriotic Government.

UKIP, for instance, would dearly love to be given the chance to create one million new skilled jobs, with both public and private finance, in a public works programme to provide defence, equipment, nuclear power stations (and clean coal technology to avert Britain’s impending energy crisis), flood and coastal protection, transport infrastructure and new prisons.

This country is in dire need of some medicine.

JOHN MADEN Montagu Road Botley