Frustration is growing on an Oxford estate over the closure of a well used footpath that links residents to a major supermarket.

The path, which connects Williamson Way and Wynbush Road in Rose Hill, forms a short cut used by families and elderly people to get to the Sainsbury’s store at Heyford Hill.

The route was closed on August 1 as part of redevelopment work by Taylor Wimpey. But a replacement path, agreed in the housing plans, is still not open.

Although Taylor Wimpey says the current closure is “temporary”, there is no timescale for reopening it.

And a sign announcing the closure at the site read: “This footpath will be closed permanently from Monday, 1st August, at 8am.

“Access to Sainsbury’s will be via Wyndbush Road until our houses in the area have been completed. I left it open as long as I could.”

Critics of the developer, and Oxfordshire County Council which is responsible for footpaths, say residents face a detour of several hundred yards along Nowell Road.

They say a replacement path should have been opened before the existing path was closed.

Peter Wilkinson, who lives in Rose Hill, said: “I’m angry and frustrated about this.”

He and fellow Rose Hill resident Vim Rodrigo have written to the council and Taylor Wimpey, complaining about the situation and seeking assurances that the new path will be suitable for mobility scooters and will be lit to the same degree as the recently closed right of way.

Despite meetings with the authorities, their concerns have not been allayed.

Mr Rodrigo said: “I am now preparing to take this issue to the Ombudsman.”

He added: “The new access way has not been constructed.

“Taylor Wimpey has closed the path instructing residents to walk up the hill and down Wyndbrush Road to get to the footbridge that leads to Littlemore and Sainsbury’s. It is a long walk and not acceptable.”

A county council spokesman said: “The footpath between Williamson Way and Wynbush Road in Rose Hill is closed due to work on a new housing development in the area.

“Due to the nature of the work there are times when disruption unfortunately is inevitable.

“The county council is working with the developers to minimise the disruption to residents and ensure people can access the new footpath as soon as possible.”

A spokesman for Taylor Wimpey said: “The footpath at Rose Hill is temporarily closed for health and safety reasons while construction is taking place on site. Taylor Wimpey is working to reopen the footpath as soon as it is safe.”