Sir, Your article (September 8) shows cyclists are divided about whether the money spent on the Cowley Road has improved things. I am one of the cyclists who feels it has. But cyclists need to understand how the narrower moving traffic lanes can help them.

Instead of staying 30cm from the kerb and to the left of moving traffic, it is intended that cyclists ride in convoy with the traffic. At busy times, the traffic might be only doing 10-15mph and cyclists can easily keep up and not impede progress. Here are some tips for riding with the traffic: 1: To get into convoy with the traffic, look behind you carefully for a space and move into the middle of the moving traffic lane when it is only just wide enough for one vehicle in each direction.

2: Where the lane is wide enough for a cycle beside a vehicle and the traffic is moving faster, pull to the left of the lane to allow vehicles to overtake you.

3: Look well ahead for where the lane narrows at pinch points and check behind for traffic and move out well ahead of the narrowing into the middle of the lane again.

4: Never try to squeeze through on the left beside stationary traffic where the lane is narrow. You won't be seen and could get crushed. Stay in convoy and wait with the traffic until it moves. You will be more visible.

5: Ride more than an arm's length from parked cars to avoid being knocked off by car doors opening as you pass.

I hope this will help cyclists feel safer and more confident and drivers to understand cyclists' road positioning. This expands on what Celia Jones, senior transport planner for the county, said in the article.

To find your local cycle instructor go to the Cyclists Touring Club website

Clare Farley, Oxford