THE Government’s stated belief that ‘we’re all in this together’ must be the best joke of the year. I am having to hold my sides.

The politicians should get off their soap boxes and practise what they preach.

It’s quite noticeable in the television footage of the House of Commons that our MPs, who are receiving a fair old whack, are mostly conspicuous by their absence.

Of course, this will be an advantage if the teachers withdraw their labour. The MPs could be on hand to care for the little ones rather than retiring with their accountants to the golf course to negotiate an off-shore investment tax haven.

As a good percentage are millionaires and have directorships in many companies which they attend a few days a year, I wouldn’t think the present economic hardships experienced by the majority in any way affect their mode of existence.

The message seems to be, don’t do as I do, do as I tell you.

R LOUCH Bayswater Road Headington Oxford