SECURITY cordons have been set up around the Cotswold villages hosting supermodel Kate Moss's wedding to rock star Jamie Hince.

The world's press has descended on the West Oxfordshire village of Little Faringdon, where the couple are set to hold a £500,000 festival-style weekend party to celebrate their marriage, and nearby Southrop, just across the county boundary in Gloucestershire, where the couple are getting married at St Peter's Church.

Road closures are in place with police officers monitoring entrances to the villages, limiting access to just wedding guests and residents.

The reception and wedding party will take place in marquees erected behind the model's mansion in Little Faringdon, it is understood, with an 8ft metal fence set up around the perimeter of her estate.

Security guards have been brought in to keep photgraphers at bay and local residents have reportedly been given passes to allow them through the roadblocks.

Moss met Hince, the guitarist with The Kills, in 2007. Her daughter Lila Grace, whose father is her former partner Jefferson Hack, is understood to be chief bridesmaid.