STUNT men, morris dancers, BBC presenters, a parade and 3,000 people will descend on Eynsham tomorrow.

The annual Eynsham Carnival is in its 65th year and promises a festivities for all the family.

Julie Jordan, chairman of the carnival committee, said: “This is the main event of the year for Eynsham.

“The whole village comes together. Everyone turns out and you wonder where all the people have appeared from.

“It’s a family-orientated day, we’ve tried to put in lots and lots of different things so there’s something for every age group.”

She added: “We always hope it will be better than the previous year, but it’s the crowd that makes it.”

The carnival will kick off in traditional style, with the Eynsham Morris Men dancing in the village square at 11am.

The traditional shirt race will take place at 12.15pm, with competitors racing in fancy dress between the village’s pubs.

CBBC presenters Ed Petrie and Naomi Wilkinson, who present children’s show All Over The Place, will compete in the race.

From 12.30pm, a parade of floats created by residents will wind through the village.

Leading the parade will be carnival queen Naomi Ganderton, 14. The Bartholomew School pupil was chosen for the role in March.

Revellers will then move into Eynsham playing fields, off Oxford Road, where a host of activities will await them.

Stunt men Mark Stannage and his son Aaron will perform death-defying feats from 2pm.

At 3.30pm, the Rockwood Dog Display Team will perform.

There will also be music, with the Breaston Highlanders Marching Band performing at 3pm and a jazz band playing throughout the afternoon.

During the event, a 100-foot marquee will host a craft fair.

There will also be a beer tent and barbecue.

Entry to the field events is £4 for adults and £2.50 for children and OAPs, if bought in advance.

Tickets are available at Eynsham Post Office, Mill Street, and Evenlode DIY, High Street.

On the day, tickets will cost £5 for adults and £2.50 for children and OAPs. Under fives will get in for free.