THERE is an adage that says the pen is mightier than the sword!

But, in the present day, it is obvious that robots and computers are the mightiest, and that humans are surplus to requirements in the world.

All the large conglomerates are dispensing with human contact in their customer services.

What do you receive if you desire to speak to someone at one of these companies? You ring the required number, you then receive a long detail of all services you do not require, followed by a recorded message informing you that your call will be answered as soon as possible and that you are something like eighth in a line, please hold.

Then, on comes the music, which I gather is a selection for which royalties are no longer demanded.

So there you stand, waiting and waiting, eventually so frustrated that you slam the receiver down and give it up as a bad job.

Now, doesn’t this lack of service have some bearing on why a number of firms are going into administration? If humans, instead of robots, dealt with these problems, it would not only create a large number of jobs, but also add to the economy and give satisfaction all round.

At present, customer services are a complete shambles.

R LOUCH Bayswater Road Headington Oxford