I WRITE to you concerning your report in the Oxford Mail (May 25) headlined ‘Barton Pavilion is gone in two days’.

I would like to bring to your attention a few facts that have eluded this story, as well as previous ones on this topic.

Firstly, may I say we welcome the publicity that the newspaper has brought to the pavilion, but I would like to point out that it always seems to be the case, when it is publicised, that councillors always seem to be among those who are interviewed and photographed but no-one who has been involved with the pavilion all these years.

I would like to bring to your attention two people from Barton, who have been a fixture of the community for nearly 30 of the 40 years or so since the old pavilion was opened.

They are Dave and Janet Rose. In this time they have served the community at Barton United Football Club and have done a tremendous job helping the young boys and girls on the estate and further afield.

The pavilion has been their footballing lives through all this time and I think it is about time that they were recognised for their work.

Dave Rose, especially, has spent countless hours with council at meetings trying to get this project up and running.

He has had a very large input into the make-up of the new pavilion and never seems to get any recognition for the amount of time that he has given up to help.

I believe he also feels frustrated that it is always those in power who seem to get the praise and not those who have worked at trying to keep the pavilion up and running in the past few years.

I feel, as a member of Barton United Football Club, that you should also be talking to them about the past and what we hope the future holds, once the new pavilion is up and running.

Raymond May Cress Hill Headington Oxford