Whatever happened to the days when we could walk into a bank and carry out the simple transaction of transferring money in or out of our accounts?

Nowadays we are all too often confronted by one of their over- zealous employees who try to dictate how we distribute our own money. They also demand that we attend time-consuming financial reviews. It is questionable whose interests they actually have in mind?

A few years ago I was a customer at a major high street bank.

The staff at this particular branch seemed to be preoccupied with getting customers to take out unnecessary loans and expensive upgrades.

What was being offered on the latter, for some people could hardly be described as being beneficial.

However some of the coercive tactics being deployed in order to get them to sign up to these were far from acceptable, and at times quite menacing.

A while ago it was said that the financial sector should be viewed with a harsh light. Perhaps those doing this ought to ensure that some of its rays penetrate deep into its retail arm.

Steven Dunkerley Ashmole Rd Abingdon