Sir – I’ve had my eye on Beech Croft Road for some years now. Some of the residents there have kicked up a mighty fuss to keep traffic speeds down and to close their road for the occasional party — all very reasonable, it seems. Part of me rejoices at this initiative and wishes them well, but another part of me is distinctly worried now that they have been given ‘DIY street’ status (Report, November 4).

The residents talk of ‘reclaiming’ the street, as though they had once owned it and had it stolen by an invading force. But it’s not ‘their’ road and it never was — it’s a public highway like any other, and those who use it are not the privileged ‘guests’ of a small clique looking after their own interests, however well-intentioned.

I’d love to know whether there is an important person living in the road who has a huge influence with all the powers that be.

Why should Beech Croft Road be treated any differently to (say) Thorncliffe Road or any of the other links between the Banbury and Woodstock Roads?

Or is the intention to make all our side roads DIY streets eventually? That might (or might not) be a good idea. As one who lives in a quiet cul-de-sac, I could wish that everyone was so privileged.

We’d also like to be told how this initiative fits into any bigger picture that may be taking shape. What’s going on here?

Don Manley, Oxford