TEENAGER Lucy Cook may be the only girl in an amateur boxing club but she is prepared to join the fight to find it a new gym.

The 14-year-old, from Boars Hill, Oxford, has backed Abingdon Town Amateur Boxing Club’s campaign to build a gym and community centre in the south of the town.

She said: “It gives you confidence and it’s something I can do regularly to keep me fit for the rest of my life. It has taught me routine and discipline.”

She added that new facility would mean the club could work more closely with the community.

The club wants to build a £250,000 gym and community hall at Caldecott Recreation Ground, in Caldecott Road, and has raised £21,000 since launching an appeal last year.

Trainer Robert Southey, who has been at the club for 40 years, said: “It’s going to be used for the boxing club as well as the community, because at that end of town there’s nothing.”

He added: “When I was a kid if I had done the things my friends did I would have ended up in prison – but I took up boxing. It’s a real achievement to get people off the street, but the main thing you teach is respect.”

The club, which has 35 members aged 10 and over, was given a further boost last week when Oxford West and Abingdon MP Nicola Blackwood visited the club to give her support to the campaign.

Ms Blackwood said: “It was a pleasure to meet the young people, coaches and trustees of the club. They show great commitment to their sport.

“I was particularly impr-essed by Mr Southey, who has volunteered for the last 40 years and trained countless numbers of young people.

“I wish them well as they continue to campaign for a permanent gym.”

The club has put on shows and organised sponsored press-ups to raise money.

Caldecott ward town councillor Alastair Fear, who chairs the club committee, said there was a need for an indoor sports facility in the area and the plans had received widespread backing.

Club members collected nearly 2,000 signatures about two years ago on a petition calling on Vale of White Horse District Council to help build the gym.

The council granted planning permission for the development but said the club would have to raise the money itself.