PLEASE can someone tell me what is going on in this country of ours. There are people being laid off all the time.

Many years ago the workers did go on strike but soon went back to work as the pay was very poor so they had no choice.

My husband started work on the railway as an engine cleaner when he was 15 years old, the pay was only £2-10s (£2.50 these days) for working 48 hours.

It was terrible, dirty work but he wouldn’t have left if it hadn’t been for Dr Beeching’s cuts.

He then started as a postman and did 35 years.

The hours were very long, he was on a pushbike delivery for a time working from 4am till 5pm in the evenings, six days a week, half-day Saturday, out in all weathers but he just got on with it.

These days the staff go out in vans. Yes they have to walk but not so far as years ago.

When my husband retired he was glad to get out. All his life he paid tax on his wages now he is still paying tax on his pension.

It’s not right but he can’t do much about it.

I wonder if the top men could live on what the postmen get. I don’t think so. Come on you bosses get a life and do something to help the working man.

MA RAWLINGS, Meadow Prospect, Wolvercote, Oxford