SEVERAL of my friends have agreed with me that as children mature at an earlier age, they should be more responsible for their actions.

It is the parents’ duty to bring up their children, to educate and teach them right from wrong, how to behave and to have good manners.

It seems that some parents are too young themselves to have learned these basics, or they just don’t care what the children get up to.

As for Oxford City Council’s idea of imposing fines on children for dropping litter, this is unlikely to work.

Who will be handing out and collecting the fines?

It can’t be the police as they are unable to see (and stop) the multitude of law-breaking cyclists, so there will be no way that they could spot a child dropping a cigarette end, sweet wrapper, etc.

Talking about rubbish, why aren’t there more litter bins conveniently located around the streets?

B FISHER, Steventon