l I am writing in response to last week’s letter by Vim Rodrigo (Oxford Mail, September 17) regarding the proposed closure of Temple Cowley Swimming pool and sports centre.

Mr Rodrigo made some very useful comments – saying this is almost a done deal.

Councillors and officers may be dismissive of the 9,500 signatures given so far in the campaign to keep this leisure facility open, but have they considered the disadvantages of closing the centre?

School children in the catchment area currently use Temple Cowley pool during lessons. While Blackbird Leys Leisure Centre is an excellent place for recreation, children living in Temple Cowley would be expected to travel there during school hours.

This means that residents also forced to use the Blackbird Leys pool would have fewer hours allocated to them.

Many people believe the pool will be knocked down for university student accommodation. Why? There are already two student halls of residence in Crescent Road – Crescent Hall and Paul Kent Hall – as well as student flats which are being completed opposite the fire station.

Paul Hernandez, Oxford East Conservative Association, Cowley, Oxford