KITTENS have been born to a rare species of wild cat, newly introduced to the Cotswold Wildlife Park.

Pallas Cats Hopalong and Tsara, who have only been at the park since February, have become parents, with two kittens.

The girl and boy have not yet been named, but visitors to the park’s website — — are being asked to come up with suggestions.

Curator Jamie Craig said: “We are delighted that our pair of Pallas cats have reproduced so soon after arriving at the park.

“This interesting and active species are sadly declining in numbers in their wild habitat and it is great to be contributing to their captive breeding programme.

“They are a particularly hardy species, ensuring our visitors always get a great view of the kittens and proud parents as they explore their environment, even in the worst of the English weather.”

The five-month-old kittens are naturally very shy during their first few months.

It is believed that the species, which lives in the Asian steppes, diverged from a leopard ancestor about five million years ago. It is named after the 18th century naturalist Peter Simon Pallas.