Sir – Closing Temple Cowley Pool would be a shame. Before a final decision is made it would be worth looking at the neighbouring area. There is the potential to create a healthy living centre for local residents on this site.

There is poor use of space on the pool and library site. There is poor use of space at the police station and at the health centre.

Combining a redevelopment of these three sites could result in an attractive building and potentially re-provide all of these services. It could be a beacon for Oxford innovation using the latest technologies to make it green and cost efficient.

Local firms might want to contribute to aspects of the build. Grants have been awarded to similar projects from the Arts Council and Sport England and there is even a fund targeted at renewing swimming pools: The Free Swimming Capital Modernisation Programme (FSCMP).

Better use of these sites could allow some land to be sold to pay for the redevelopment and to provide affordable housing.

Such an approach would require imagination and cooperation between Local authorities and health. Such collaboration has already been highlighted in the recent Government white paper “Equity and Excellence”. The vehicle to deliver this could be LIFT (Local Improvement Finance Trust) which helped to build The Leys and East Oxford health centres in under four years.

It is different from PFI (Private Finance Initiative) because the NHS and government share in the management.

It is important not to create unrealistic expectation in these financially difficult times. However, pooling requirements and resources could provide a mutually beneficial solution.

There is the potential for our different public services to work together with the community to create jobs, provide improved facilities and make sure we do not lose the swimming pool and all the benefits it brings to the local area.

Dr Peter von Eichstorff, GP East Oxford Health Centre, Temple Cowley