MEMBERS of the North Oxfordshire Guild of Weavers and Dyers gave a demonstration of their art at the Holly Tree Club in 1986. They spent six hours making a shawl for Louise Fulbrook, 96, the village’s oldest resident. Anne McKeane, Vena Ashley, Jean Williamson and Nora Shipton are seen at work.

Two knights of Warwick Castle – Sir John Paignell (Graham Holland) and the Count de Neville (Barry Griffin) – fought a duel during the village festival in 1973. More than 1,000 attended the week-long programme of events that year.

Sally Stradling set herself a mission in 1985 – to discover the history of Franklins, a specialist carpentry firm based in the village from 1850 to 1917. She is seen in the third picture with some of the tools its workers used.