SERVICEMEN at RAF Brize Norton have spent 24 hours playing football to raise money for servicemen.

The 18, who ranged from 18 to 42 years old, took it in turns to play a continuous match of five-a-side for Help For Heroes.

On average each of the players, all from Ascot Ops Wing, ran 50 miles during the marathon game, which started at 9am yesterday. They each played up to 14 hours of football, in one to two-hour stints.

Organiser Flight Lieutenant Andy Hampshire said: “With the World Cup, we decided that the players that were playing were overpaid prima donnas and that we could do much better – and we thought, ‘Why not raise a bit of money along the way’.”

The team hopes to raise £10,000, with each player aiming for £350 in sponsorship, topped up with an event at the base’s bar last night.

The men play football together each week on the base.

Flt Lt Hampshire, 32, added: “All of the players already know each other quite well and we had lots of support.”