A GIANT ark has ‘washed up’ on the lawn of Oxford’s Museum of Natural History.

It will be moored in place until the end of the week and is the culmination of the Ciao! Arts Festival, which has seen county schools paired up with both scientists and artists to tackle climate change issues.

The 10 schools involved contributed artwork which is displayed on board.

Pupils also helped create a ‘sea of troubles’ surrounding the ark, which represents what the children said they would leave behind or take with them if sailing away to a low carbon future. Pupils from Wheatley Park were the first to visit.

Naomi Godfrey, nine, said: “I felt amazed to be the first ever school to come to the ark and see other schools’ work and our school’s work.”

Amber Faucheux, nine, said: “Our visit to the ark was brilliant.”

Ark project director Emma Howell said: “It exceeds every dream we ever had.

“Seeing the children going on was so exciting. They couldn’t contain their joy in seeing their work and were absolutely delighted.”