FUNDRAISERS for Maggie’s Cancer Centre are urging people to drive along to the Oxford Mail Motor Show on Sunday and help speed the charity along to its £1.9m target.

The charity has raised £1.4m over the last three years and needs another £500,000 to set up one of Europe’s largest cancer support centres at the Churchill Hospital in Headington.

At present Maggie’s, which offers relaxation, yoga and art therapy for cancer sufferers, is run from a temporary building opposite the Churchill’s new Cancer Treatment Centre.

The centre is the nominated charity for this year’s Motor Show.

The charity will receive all the money raised from the sale of motor show programmes at Cutteslowe Park.

Fundraising co-ordinator Sandy Briscoe said the charity needed to raise £1.9m to fund the cost of a new building and a further £1.1m to run the centre for two years.

She said: “It should be a fun day out.

“I’d urge people to come along and help support Maggie’s. We really just need the money now as it’s the last push for the fundraising so we can get this built for the people of Oxfordshire.

Attractions at the show, which usually attracts 5,000 people, include pony rides and a record number of dealerships showing off their cars and bikes.

The latest models will be on display from firms including Audi, Mercedes, Lexus, Honda, Volkswagen and Renault.

The event runs from 10am to 4pm.