PUPIL power proved the winner in a contest to see how far youngsters could propel a miniature Mini.

Children at 10 Oxfordshire schools worked with engineers from BMW’s Cowley Mini plant to look at ways to use sustainable energy to get things moving.

Six of the schools took their ideas to the plant yesterday and used techniques they had experimented with in an attempt to propel their model Mini the furthest.

And despite methods as diverse as catapults and ramps, it was a big push from pupils at the Unicorn School, Abingdon, which proved most successful.

They sent the Mini about 17 metres along the ground.

BMW spokesman Rebecca Baxter said: “They basically gave it an enormous shove and won by quite a long way.”

Mini challenge organiser Simon Farrall said: “We have all enjoyed being involved with this project and have been amazed with the inventions that the children brought with them.”