I AM a supporter neither of Evan Harris nor of Nicola Blackwood. I do, however, share the concerns expressed in your pages about some of the leaflets circulated in Oxford West and Abingdon at the recent election.

I think it is unlikely that those leaflets affected the outcome of the election, though. There was a national trend towards the Conservatives in Liberal Democrat/Conservative marginals, and Dr Harris was only one of several sitting Liberal Democrat MPs who lost their seats. If anything, the leaflets may have elicited sympathy for him among uncommitted voters, and so reduced the scale of his defeat.

It is true that Dr Harris adopted a high-profile public stance on a range of controversial ethical issues. There are many, myself included, who disagree with him on one or more of those issues. It is entirely proper that differing views on such issues are discussed openly and publicly.

However, such debate should always be conducted in a reasonable and courteous manner.

Dr Harris has as much right to express his views as I have to express mine. It is perfectly proper to criticise his opinions, but personal abuse is quite unacceptable. There was no justification for the personal attacks directed at Dr Harris.

Those who indulge in such abuse only bring discredit on the causes they seek to promote, and I hope never again to see such literature circulated in the course of an election.

Chris Robins, Kidlington parish councillor, Foxdown Close, Kidlington