I READ your item about the alleged attack, by a Big Issue seller’s dog on a passing Jack Russell terrier outside Tesco in the Cowley Road, with disbelief.

The dog in question (her name is Roxy, by the way) is a gentle, friendly animal and I have never seen her display aggression towards anybody or other dogs.

I found the tone of the article somewhat alarming.

It painted a picture of an out of control savage animal which is simply not true.

It is also not true that the owner –Tony – has been banned from selling the Big Issue. I’m pleased to report that he was at his pitch on Saturday morning and those of us who shop regularly at Tesco were delighted to see him & Roxy.

He is a thoroughly nice guy, always happy to help people with trolleys or keep an eye on bicycles and with a friendly word for everybody.

It would be nice for your reporter to return, have a chat with Tony, meet Roxy and give them a chance to put their side of the story.

ALISON MALONEY, Headington, Oxford