Sir – The general election results in both Oxford seats showed that the public has, after all, a good deal of commonsense.

The Liberal Democrat MP, Dr Evan Harris, lost his seat as a result of a protest in the way in which he used the formerly ill-regulated expenses system and the fact that he was not a good constituency MP.

In East Oxford, however, the constituents appear to have voted for the man rather than the party and they will continue to be well represented.

But both MPs should be aware that although the media is getting excited over the current state of parliament the voters are still angry and disillusioned with the behaviour of politicians.

The situation with MPs’ expenses is still too loose and should be brought into line with business people.

Could the Oxford MPs tell us whether they are intending to commute to London, as thousands of ordinary people do each day?

And will they publish full details of their expenses on their websites?

Eddie Duller, Summertown