Pop fans and clothes lovers will be able to get a close-up of Lady Gaga’s wackiest costumes when two of her favourite dresses are shown on the catwalk at Oxford Fashion Week.

The popular songstress often grabs the headlines with her extravagant and extreme sense of style.

Now Oxford fashion lovers will be able to see two of the craziest creations she has sported over the past year at the city’s biggest fashion festival after the designers were signed up for the event.

The two hotshot designers Ara Jo, above, and Yvonne Lau, both based in London, will be at the Randolph Hotel to see their stylish pieces on the catwalk at a fashion concept show on Tuesday, May 4.

As well as getting a glimpse of the dresses, fans will also be able to get up close and personal and speak to the designers on the night.

Organiser Carl Anglim, 23, of Bullingdon Road, East Oxford, said: “This is a bit of a coup for Oxford Fashion Week as it’s fantastic to have designers of this calibre involved.

“Lady Gaga really gets people talking – people are intrigued by her and what she wears.

“It’s great that she takes designers who are young and experimental and gives them exposure by putting them in front of the camera.

“We like to pick out designers at the height of their creativity when they are really experimenting with their designs and their work hasn’t yet been constrained by commercial sales.

“When you see the outlandish creations on show, to have two of Lady Gaga’s favourite designers involved makes perfect sense.”

Oxford will be awash with models, stylists and collections from some of the world’s best-known clothes designers from Saturday.

This year the festival, which is in its second year, has expanded from four runway shows to 11.

Mr Anglim said the event aimed to showcase young designers from across the world with design houses from as far afield as Germany, Romania, Macedonia, Denmark and Pakistan.

There will also be lots of local talent hoping to emulate the impact made by Eynsham teenager Rosie Dennington last year, whose denim wedding dress and shift dress made from 200 silk flowers wowed the crowds.

At the week’s biggest event held at the Town Hall, showgoers will be able to enjoy nine catwalk shows displaying the wares of French Connection, Zara and L.K. Bennett.

People will also be able to get hair and beauty treatments or relax with a coffee or a cocktail during a six-hour event next Saturday.

To get tickets for the event, see tickets @oxfordfashionweek.com