They might not have won the tournament, but they won over footballers from across the world with their Oxford ale, pork scratchings and Aunt Sally.

East Oxford football team Union Street FC have just returned home from the Alternative World Cup in Kassel, Germany.

Like the real thing, the tournament, the Bolz Weltmeisterschaft, involved teams from around the world. But unlike Sven's men, the Oxford lads weren't going for glory just fair play and friendliness in a tournament which prided itself on being all about social and cultural exchange.

And the team says it was here that they really scored. Although they are pleased with their 10th place finish and have even accepted losing 2-0 to the Germans they say the real victory was off the pitch, where the Oxford lads wowed other players with Hook Norton beer, Scottish single malt whisky and pub snacks, such as pickled eggs and onions.

Team spokesman Ben Beaumont said: "It went really well. We all had such a great laugh and did well in the football, too. Our efforts were appreciated."

They set up a virtual pub alongside their tents at their campsite, so that other teams could come along and enjoy a typical English local. They even had a screen erected playing a video of an English pub scene.

Mr Beaumont said: "Our pub was a real hit and generated a lot of interest."

Chairman Keith Birnie said: "The Germans loved our beer even if it was a bit warm for them. And everyone seemed to get very competitive over games of Aunt Sally and cricket. The whole event was great fun, all the teams learned about other cultures and played some cracking games of football, too."

On the pitch, Union Street won three games, drew three and lost three, with the most memorable ones being a 1-0 win over the Argentines and a penalty shoot-out triumph over the Italians.

The tournament started last Sunday and went on for three days. Mr Beaumont said: "Our best player was probably Andy Davies, our Welsh wizard, who just kept on running throughout all nine games when most of the team were too knackered. He was the Steven Gerrard of the side. Also impressive in the first match was Adam Smith, who scored three goals on the first day. He made a great start, but the drinking caught up with him later on."

The Union Street team are now looking forward to a well-earned rest over the summer, before pulling on their boots to start their campaign in the RT Harris Oxford City League.