AN OXFORD University college butler is to be questioned by police after the disappearance of large quantities of fine wine from All Souls.

Police were called in after wine, believed to be worth thousands of pounds, vanished from the college's famously well-stocked cellar.

College staff had become increasingly concerned when expensive wines unaccountably vanished over a period of time. A member of staff was caught on CCTV camera loading wine into the back of a vehicle.

Police yesterday confirmed that they are to interview a butler who had worked at the college for 18 years.

A police spokesman said: "Between May 14 and 21 a suspect who worked at the college was seen on CCTV putting boxes of wine into the boot of a vehicle.

"We are awaiting the outcome of a full audit of wine stocks being undertaken by the college. We understand that a level of internal disciplinary action is being investigated by the college."

He said 35 bottles had gone missing with an estimated value of £2,650.

A college spokesman said yesterday: "We do not comment on matters concerning individuals or members of staff at the college."

All Souls College is justifiably proud of its wine cellar. The college website says: "The Wine Fellow maintains the cellars a job which is more important and delicate than it may seem: as fellows pay for the wine they drink in college, there is pressure to deliver value for money."

Last autumn, All Souls College caused raised eyebrows after asking for a licence to sell alcohol from noon to 7am. The application was granted.