I write in response to Tony Anchors's letter, Get our police back on beat (Oxford Mail, May 9), and to address the concern raised over the use of Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs) in Didcot.

Mr Anchors criticises the issuing of a parking ticket to a car parked on double yellow lines in the town.

I would like to assure him that this is just one part of the crucial role that PCSOs play in the policing of our towns.

The South Oxfordshire Community Safety Partnership drew up its priorities following a period of public consultation.

One of these, highlighted by local people, was concern about road safety and it is therefore important to us to enforce parking restrictions.

Double yellow lines are there for a reason. Parking at that point of the road causes an obstruction and can cause dangers to pedestrians and other road users.

As to the use of PCSOs throughout the town, I would like to emphasise that they are an important part of the policing team.

They have been influential in bringing about an overall reduction in crime and an increase in the number of crimes solved in Didcot over the last year.

I will continue to enforce parking restrictions and continue to use PCSOs to deal effectively with low-level crime, disorder and antisocial behaviour and to ensure that Didcot remains a safe place to live and work, in line with what residents have requested from us.

JILL SIMPSON (Supt) Area Commander, South Oxfordshire Thames Valley Police