Police have been accused of being soft on travellers after a family was eventually evicted yesterday eight days after setting up an illegal camp.

Travellers arrived at Oatlands recreation ground, off Ferry Hinksey Road, Oxford, last Thursday, pledging to stay for a week before moving on to the Stow-on-the-Wold horse fair.

The Oxfordshire County Council gipsy liaison team asked police to evict the illegal campers and notice was finally served on Wednesday evening.

Police blamed shortage of staff and pressure of work for failing to act earlier.

Residents living near the park fear more travellers will camp illegally in the field during the summer after hearing the police are a soft touch.

Martin Rush, of Alexandra Road, said: "It sends a message to all travellers that they can get away with this.

"The travellers fobbed off the police for so long and got away with it and we were given no information on what was happening."

Christine Freeborn, of Oatlands Road, added: "I don't think it's a good place for them.

"It's only a small park and it is used by children so it's not really suitable.

"I wouldn't like word to get round and it to be a regular thing because it stops children and people enjoying the site."

The travellers left the park at 10.30am yesterday.

Tim Wiseman, spokesman for Thames Valley Police, said: "Where we can, we deal with illegal traveller encampments robustly as we are aware of the concerns they can cause for local residents.

"We are not a soft touch. It is unfortunate that resourcing constraints and a major incident have placed a delay on our response to the encampment."