Once again we have to say that we feel we are in danger of being let down by our local politicians in Oxford. The district auditor rates Oxford City Council as a poorly performing authority.

It desperately needs firm political control but, once again, those elected last week look like they will be unable to deliver it.

For the last two years we have had a minority Labour administration a party in power but not in overall control. We now appear to be heading for a Liberal democrat minority administration in power but not in overall control.

It is not what Oxford City Council needs. The electorate may not have chosen an outright winner in last week's poll but the least that it can expect is for at least two of the parties to join forces to provide a coherent administration with a long-term plan to turn around the council's fortunes.

It worked at Oxfordshire County Council prior to last year's outright victory for the Tories when Conservatives and Liberal Democrats formed a joint administration.

It can do so at Oxford City Council if city councillors show the will and the purpose to do it.

A few years ago this newspaper supported a campaign for an elected mayor for Oxford. The campaign was narrowly lost. In the meantime, we have seen nothing to persuade us that we were wrong and much to persuade us that we were right.

Oh for someone to knock a few heads together.