A BABY died after she rolled out of her parents' bed and was trapped against a wall while her mother slept.

Marley Wallace's death on February 7 last year was a tragic double blow for her family, after her mother, Kelly, 28, had suffered a miscarriage just two days earlier.

Father Kenroy Wallace, also 28, discovered his ten-month-old daughter lifeless after he returned to the family's home in Lennox Gardens, Banbury.

It appears she had somehow moved off the bed and become trapped while her mother slept, an inquest heard.

Mrs Wallace called an ambulance and her husband tried to resuscitate the baby until paramedics arrived, but she was pronounced dead at the Horton Hospital, Banbury.

In a statement read out at Oxfordshire Coroner's Court on Tuesday, Mrs Wallace said she and her husband often slept with Marley in their bed.

On the night of the accident, she had taken the baby to bed at about 10.30pm and put a pillow either side of her.

Det Con Paul Girling told the inquest that police were called as standard procedure, but said there was no evidence of foul play.

Dr Steve Gould, who carried out a post-mortem examination, said the most likely cause of death was acute positional asphyxia.

Deputy coroner Dorothy Flood recorded a verdict of misadventure.

Mrs Flood also warned parents against allowing their children to sleep in bed with them and said: "If they are in a double bed, their room for movement is greater. Unfortunately children get more agile than parents expect."