Meetings to protest about plans to charge residents to park in their streets are to be held next week.

Residents who live near the John Radcliffe Hospital in Headington, Oxford, have asked councillors and hospital staff to attend and discuss Oxfordshire County Council's plans to charge £40 for a residents parking permit.

The Northway and Headley House Residents' Association has asked county councillor David Robertson, cabinet member for transport, to hear what they have to say on Monday.

Another meeting has been organised for the following Monday by the Central North Headington Residents' Association, and members have invited the hospital's transport manager, David Edwards, as well as city and county councillors.

Dorothy Green, who lives in Eden Drive, said parking had got worse as the hospital had expanded. She said: "Our parking is terrible. Residents can't get in, fire engines can't get in, ambulances can't get in. They park on both sides of the road, it's shocking.

"We didn't ask for all this, we used to be very quiet. It is staff from the JR and all the workmen, they come in the morning and change into overalls and then walk up to the hospital.

"Visitors put their cars out there not to have to park in the car park where they have to pay.

"The meeting is against the proposal to charge for residents parking. There is no need, they have the money from the new Children's Hospital. The council was given £2m to sort the parking out but they have done nothing with it.

"The more people who go to the meeting, the more of a protest it will be. People are very incensed about it."

Both meetings on Monday, May 15, and May 22 are to be held at St Anthony of Padua Church hall, on Headley Way, at 6.30pm.