Sir, Your report on the West End Regeneration project (April 28) was encouraging, but where is the concert venue?

Is it hiding somewhere in the "leisure" facilities your reporter mentions?

At least four major reports since the Second World War have discussed the building of a concert hall worthy of Oxford and all have found in favour of such a venture.

Oxford is an internationally recognised cultural centre, yet we have no adequate venue for classical, or rock, concerts, or large international conferences.

We already have an enviable musical life here but our venues fall short of the reasonable expectations of the public and the needs of promoters. The potential for a new city venue is enormous.

With a modern complex, seating 1,200 to 1,500, many more could enjoy our concerts in comfort.

A multi-purpose venue, catering for all kinds of concerts, conferences and trade activities would benefit the whole city.

It would be welcomed by both the University and the tourism industry who know that there is a significant unsatisfied demand for such facilities.

In 1997 the city council gave outline planning permission for a concert hall to be built largely on their own land.

Now is the time for them to show the same enthusiasm. Everyone who supports this idea needs to lobby individual councillors and take an active part in the next consultation stage to ensure that this happens.

How apposite that your article about Oxford- (shire)'s many members of the Sunday Times Rich List should appear elsewhere in the same edition.

Surely there are people here who would welcome the opportunity to be associated with the building of a cultural centre worthy of our city and University.

The West End Regeneration may be our last chance to achieve it.

Gordon Balme, Oxford