Sir, The Conservative city council candidate R.V. Porter (Letters, April 28) wishes the South East England Regional Assembly abolished. I agree and have argued likewise on this page about unelected, unaccountable Seera which makes decisions in Surrey about Oxfordshire's future.

The Government's pursuit of regionalisation is eroding democracy. Regional assemblies are now deciding on strategic planning issues, formerly the province of county councils, such as the number of houses to be built, consequently disenfranchising the electorate.

Regionalisation is a means of centralised control and the imposition of Government planning policy, for example developing the South East. The formation of unitary authorities to function as service providers without strategic planning powers will make it difficult for the public to object to developments like housing estates, airports and reservoirs.

The Conservatives, as signatories to the European treaties aided the erosion of democracy, consequently they can offer no credible opposition to the Government's regionalisation and bypassing of local government. In an EU-dominated post-democratic society of their own making, and from which many people feel increasingly excluded, the Conservatives are reduced to wishful thinking.

Jacqueline A. C. Jones (Mrs), UK Independence Party local government spokesman for Oxfordshire, Cumnor