Sir, There were a number of inaccuracies in your article (May 5) on the recent consultation on ambulance trusts in Thames Valley.

Thames Valley Strategic Health Authority conducted a 14-week consultation on behalf of the Department of Health on the future shape and size of ambulance trusts across Thames Valley. The proposal made by the Department of Health for Thames Valley is to merge the three ambulance trusts in Oxfordshire, Berkshire and Buckinghamshire with the ambulance service in Hampshire. During the consultation the SHA was involved in 34 meetings with members of the public and patient forums across Thames Valley. Unfortunately the interest shown in the ambulance consultation was fairly low, and this is reflected in the number of responses received.

The SHA received 197 responses to the consultation of which 89 people explicitly supported the reconfiguration of the ambulance trusts whilst 44 people explicitly opposed the reconfiguration. The remaining number of responses received did not state support or opposition, rather made other recommendations or merely commented on the process. Your article highlighted the opposition but for the record the majority of ambulance staff and NHS organisations who responded to the consultation, including the three ambulance trusts in Thames Valley, all expressed support for the proposal.

I want to reassure the public that every single response received by the SHA has been sent to the Secretary of State to make an informed decision which is expected shortly.

Nick Relph, Chief executive, Thames Valley Strategic Health Authority