Sir, May I draw attention to an increasing hazard rapidly appearing in Oxford in the form of plastic ties securing notices to an assortment of locations including signposts, bus stops and traffic lights at pedestrian crossings.

Not only are they extremely unsightly, they are positively dangerous. The ties are used to position notices where people are most likely to see and read them.

Unfortunately, in most cases, the offenders fail to cut off the long end remaining. It is this surplus plastic, especially after the notice has been 'torn' down, that is an eyesore and a health hazard. Pedestrians and cyclists (children and partially sighted adults in particular) going about their business focus their vision on the circumstances ahead of them and could easily miss these obstructions close at hand. The result will be a serious eye injury. If the council permit these plastic ties to be used in this way, it would be useful if a directive is given to at least cut off the surplus and remove the tie at the same time as the notice. A drive to remove the offending ties still in place should be instigated very soon.

A good place to start would be the signposts at Woodstock Road Roundabout where pedestrians cross the road junctions, which are a disgrace.

David Brown, Jordan Hill