Sir, What a mournful city Oxford has become with "Don't do this" and "You can't do that". I am referring to the closing of Magdalen Bridge because young students and other young people jump from the bridge into the river a tradition going back quite a long time. Around 18 months ago, readers made two very good suggestions and another just recently came up with the same suggestion.

Option 1: Dredge part of the river the 'jumping' side to about six feet deep so no one suffers any injuries.

Option 2: Move all the moored boats to the other side of the bridge, just for the day. These options are hardly rocket science. I am very surprised how councillors in this famous city and other prominent people behave like old Apple Women. I can just see them wringing their hands. No: they would rather have the police (at what cost?) taking them away from more important work.

Why the people here make such a song and dance out of little problems when there are far easier options that can be undertaken is mindboggling.

R. Thomas (Mr), Radley