First it was dogs, then squirrels, then foxes, pigeons and now it's cats.

I would like to say to Marjorie Kelly and Evelyn Cooper (Oxford Mail, April 11 and 12) have you never driven along the A40 and seen all the rubbish discarded by humans, lots of them?

Have you never visited Cornmarket and seen all the litter from the takeaway outlets thrown on the ground (and then the poor pigeons get the blame for wanting to eat the leftovers)?

Have these women never seen people spitting on the ground?

I am sick of people complaining about cats in their gardens you don't live in your garden and if you are concerned about little kiddies allegedly falling ill from animal faeces, you should look after them better.

Where else are cats supposed to go to the toilet? As to children, I dread the summer with the constant noise of them screaming and shouting in gardens. Any requests to their doting parents to keep the noise down is met with hostility.

We went to see the ballet the other week but were subjected to children fidgeting and talking. Most of the children were too young to be taken to the theatre one even had a dummy.

Before you start complaining about other species, just look around, anywhere, and I can guarantee you will see a piece of litter, and it wouldn't have been deposited by a cat.

Susan Smith, Marston Road, Oxford