Funfairs and circuses could be banned from setting up on football pitches in Bicester after more than £4,000 of damage was caused to a sports field.

Trucks and other vehicles from a travelling circus churned up wet ground at Sunderland Drive, in Southwold, last month.

Resident Eddie Golder, who noticed the damage when he was out walking his dog, said: "I could stand in the mud up to my knees. It's their big vehicles that's done it, plus the tractors.

"It's completely churned up. It's heartbreaking for the kids.

"I would like to know who's going to pay for it."

But town clerk Anne Wilson said the cost would be met by the Big Kid Circus, and added it was a condition in all the council's contracts that damage on any site needed to be paid for.

She added: "They were asked to take the vehicles off when the weather changed. It was hard frost when they first got there."

On April 5, town councillors discussed where a travelling funfair should set up next month.

Sites such as Pingle Field, Bicester Fields and land near Bicester Community College were discussed, but no final decision was made by members.

Russell Hurle said he was concerned some of the sites suggested were too wet, so would be damaged by vehicles and crowds.

Debbie Pickford said: "I think these fairs can't go on the pitches."

Fellow councillor Carol Steward added: "I think we have to say our football pitches are too precious, they cost us too much money. I think in the future we have to say nothing should go on them."

They decided Mary Hatwell's funfair could come to Bicester from Sunday, May 21, to Tuesday, May 30, if suitable land could be found. Cherwell District Council has said it will restore the grass at the Sunderland Drive site.